Pilgrim Harps

Full information about Establishment Pilgrim Harps at South Godstone, Godstone, South Godstone, England RH9 8NA. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


South Godstone, Godstone, South Godstone, England RH9 8NA
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Pilgrim Harps

Reviews about Pilgrim Harps

  • Craig Grindley
    ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    I contacted Pilgrim Harps last year, full of excitement and with an interest of buying a harp for the first time.
    Unfortunately it took a member of staff a week to answer and I was quite disappointed by this.
    By that time, I had contacted other UK harp suppliers - most of which were also slow to reply, didn't respond at all or showed very little interest in selling me a harp.
    In the end, I contacted Teifi Harps based in Wales and was so impressed with their friendly staff and excellent customer service. They immediately gave me an appointment and I bought an amazing, very beautiful harp from them instead.

    It is a shame that Pilgrim Harps were rather slow to answer, otherwise in may have bought a harp from them.
    I did however recently order a harp string from them which arrived very promptly and my harp teacher plays a Pilgrim Harp and is happy with hers.

    I am giving 3 stars because of the slow response last year, in hope that the company may speed up communication and show more interest in customers.
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